The Power of Data

At Many Penny, our commitment to providing a comprehensive and effective grocery shopping experience is supported by the extensive database we maintain.

The Power of Data

Harnessing the power of data, we are proud to offer real-time price comparisons, ongoing promotions, and historical price trends. This impressive collection of information sets our platform apart and serves as the backbone of the Many Penny app.

Here are some key statistics to give you an overview of the depth and breadth of our database:

  • 320,676 products
    ​With a vast selection of items across multiple categories, our users can easily find and compare their favorite products to ensure they obtain the best possible deals.
  • 109,894,480 current prices & ~2.3 billion historical price points
    ​Our continually updated pricing database means users have access to both real-time cost comparisons and historical price patterns. These insights enable users to make well-informed purchasing decisions.
  • 29,739,891 ongoing promotions (refreshed every week)
    ​Stay updated on the latest deals with our regularly-refreshed promotions database. Users will never miss out on a sale and can take advantage of the best offers in their area.
  • 13,260 stores
    ​Our coverage spans a wide range of grocery stores, making it easier for users to locate deals at their preferred locations. With Many Penny, your grocery trip can be as streamlined as possible.
  • 101 supported chains
    ​Our extensive reach to major Canadian grocery chains ensures a diverse selection of deals and offers, catering to various tastes and preferences.

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